Effect on the value of routine blood in the different time of infusion of plasma during neonatal exchange transfusion 新生儿换血中不同时间输注血浆对血常规值的影响
Over eight months Freya Grace had nine blood transfusions, a plasma transfusion, and a delicate heart valve operation. 在过去8个月里,芙蕾娜·格蕾丝一共输了九次血、一次血浆,还做了一次心脏瓣膜手术。
The investigation of HCV infection post plasma transfusion on neonate 新生儿输血浆后丙型肝炎感染情况的调查
Two patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ( TTP) were treated with daily plasma exchange with fresh frozen plasma of the plasma volume of the body ( 40 mg/ kg · b.w.), in combination with red blood cell transfusion. 对2例治血栓性血小板减少性紫癜(TTP)患者每天进行血浆置换(PE)治疗,每次清除及补充1个血浆量,为40ml/kg新鲜冰冻血浆,并补充红细胞悬液。
Conclusion The percentage of component blood transfusion in Shandong province has attained the advanced world level, but plasma transfusion is abused and cryoprecipitate transfusion should be used more widely. 结论山东省综合性医院成分输血已达到世界先进水平,但存在滥用血浆现象,冷沉淀等成分要注意开发利用。
Conclusion Acute hepatitis E can be induced by plasma transfusion of HEV viremia, which indicate the possibility of transfusion transmitted hepatitis E. 结论HEV病毒血症献血员血浆输入可以引起灵长类动物的HEV感染以及急性肝炎,提示HEV经输血传播的可能性。
The changes of hemopoietic progenitor cell in vitro culture and hemopoietic stimulation activity in plasma after umbilical cord blood transfusion in patients with aplastic anemia and leukemia 脐血输注后再生障碍性贫血、白血病患者造血祖细胞体外培养及血浆造血刺激活性变化
Nursing Care of Patients With Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Underwent Plasma Exchange Transfusion Therapy 血浆置换治疗血栓性血小板减少性紫癜病人的护理
Conclusion Gestation results in systematic physiological changes and appearance of anti-IgA antibody, which may the main cause leading to the allergic response after plasma transfusion. 结论妊娠导致各系统的生理性改变和孕妇血液中抗-IgA抗体的出现,有可能是引起产妇输血浆后出现过敏反应的重要原因。
The content of free amino acids was not obviously improved in plasma and erythrocyte after amino acid transfusion. 输注复合氨基酸注射液后未能显著改善患者血及红细胞内游离氨基酸含量。
Treatment of severe dermatoses with plasma transfusion and plasma exchange therapy 血浆输注及血浆置换治疗重症皮肤病
Treatment method: treatment was depended on the primary disease, and fresh whole blood, platelets, and fresh frozen plasma transfusion were performed during or after delivery. 治疗方法:在治疗原发病的基础上、于术前或分娩期给予输新鲜血、血小板和新鲜冰冻血浆。
Test of Activated Plasma Clotting Time to Assess Efficacy of Platelet Transfusion 活化血浆凝固时间对血小板输注疗效评价的研究
Nursing Care of Multiple Myeloma Patients Complicated With Hyperviscosity Syndrome Treated by Plasma Exchange Transfusion 血浆置换治疗多发性骨髓瘤高黏滞综合征的护理
Results In the three groups, the volume of blood products transfusion, the volume of erythrocyte transfusion and the volme of plasma transfusion of group PPC were obviously higher than that volume of group Non-PPC during operation. 结果术中输血量<1000ml、1000~2000ml、>2000ml三层患者中,PPC组输血制品总量及输注红细胞、血浆的量均显著高于非PPC组。
Complex treatment, including liver Protection and immune stimulant treatment ( blood and/ or Plasma transfusion, thymosin, or levamisole) could give a better therapeutic effect. 常采用综合治疗,保护肝脏;免疫兴奋治疗,如输血或血浆,胸腺素或左旋咪唑等,均可获得较好的效果。
That shows it is highly important to detect virus in plasma to ensure the quality of blood products and to prevent hepatitis ( PTH) after blood transfusion. 因此,加强原料血浆病毒的检测,对提高血液制品的质量,防止临床上输血后肝炎(PTH)的发生至关重要。
So it is very important to use artificial colloid plasma substitutes to avoid the unwanted transfusion, which could ease the tense of blood source in a large part, reduce the risk of transfusion. 异体输血具有潜在的危险性,因此合理科学地使用人工胶体血浆代用品,避免不必要的输血,不仅可在很大程度上缓解临床血源紧张的问题,还可以减少异体血带来的危险。